Anticipated Outcomes


The committee has decided to select only committed paediatricians and medical doctors to take advantage of these initial training of trainers (TOT). After becoming master trainers, these trained doctors will conduct at least two training sessions of the above program in their regions.The Technical faculty member committee shall hold monthly webinars, symposium, update review of recent academic publications and case management discussion and handholding to all the newly trained medical doctors. Screening tools and videos will be made available on the web, mobile, and social media destinations such as you tube in at least 10 major Indian languages. With the help of mentor faculty members, all newly trained doctor master trainer will be expected to make a 12 month action plan to understand and assist regional child protection systems and public institutions of care and support to prevent and respond to violence against childrenThe committee anticipates the P-VAC program will contribute to improvement of health, safety and security of country’s children, which is integral to any vision for its progress towards a developed nation.

India is home to the largest child population (440 million) under the age of 18 years in the world. An estimated 24.7 millions of children are born every year in India. Given the large number of children and adverse socio-economic circumstances, child’s right to health, welfare & protection are widely prevalent public health problems. Once the P-VAC project is fully developed and implemented by IAP, the contents shall be shared to the Ministry of Women & Child Development, Government of India and the National Commission for the Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) and made available to all State Governments and public sector institution for scaling up nationwide.

We anticipate the P-VAC program will contribute to the achievement of the following objectives

Improve Child Safety

Improve protection of children from all forms of violence, abuse, neglect, and exploitation, ensuring their physical and emotional well-being.

Promote Child Well-Being

It shall create conditions that will foster the overall well-being of children, including their physical, mental, emotional, and social health in all settings such as home, schools, play areas, and other spaces.

Protection of Children's Rights

It shall help uphold and safeguard the rights of children as outlined in international conventions (UN CRC), national laws (JJ Act, POCSO), and policies( CRC, NPAC), ensuring they have the right to live free from violence.

Raise CommunityAwareness

The P-VAC program shall increase awareness among doctors and allied healthcare professionals, parents, caregivers, and the general public about the various forms of violence that children may face and the impact it can have on their health and well-being.


The P-VAC program shall advocate for policies and legal frameworks that protect children from violence and abuse. This may involve working with government agencies, NGOs, and other stakeholders to create and enforce laws that safeguard children's rights.

Updated Training and Education

The program shall continue to update and handhold newly developed master trainers; provide training to healthcare professionals and educators on recognizing signs of abuse and violence in children. This may also include educating frontline health professionals, teachers, parents and caregivers on positive parenting practices and non-violent disciplinary methods.

Research and Data Collection

The P-VAC program shall motivate its newly trained doctors to conduct research to understand the prevalence and types of violence against children in different contexts in their regions. This information can help in developing targeted interventions and preventive strategies.

Support Services

The P-VAC master trainers will help Government and public health institutions to develop and promote support services for children who have experienced violence, including counseling, medical assistance, and legal support. Ensure that there are accessible and child-friendly services available.

Community Engagement

In order to understand social determinants of health, the trained doctors and multidisciplinary professionals will be encouraged to engage with communities, visit and adopt anganwadi, underprivileged schools, volunteer times with district hospital, Child Care institutions child protection officers, visit to local police stations, child welfare committees, help and assist in development of One Stop Centers (OSC) in order to foster a culture of non-violence and support child protection. This may involve community workshops, outreach programs, and collaborations with local organizations.

Monitoring and Evaluation

The P-VAC will establish mechanisms to monitor the effectiveness of prevention programs and initiatives within the government institutions, such as Child Care Institutions. Regular evaluation helps in refining strategies and ensuring that interventions are making a positive impact.